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Get free access to Laegelinien

Get quick and easy access to a doctor 24/7.
Call from early morning, in the afternoon or evening, or order call back 24/7*
Get necessary prescriptions
Consult us for a second opinion
Get house calls with a 15 % reduction

Order here and pay for 6 months or 1 year. You have a right of cancellation for 14 days. The subscription is irrevocable for 6 months, no matter what period you´ve paid for. Further payments are settled by Betalingsservice (agreement of withdrawal from your danish bank account). Se also terms for subscription, *hours for direct calling and for call back.

Combine your subscription as you wish. For instance a family of 2 adults and 2 children can order: 
1 couple + 1 first child + 1 following child
Image Variant Productcode Price
1 adult for a year 4112 DKK 1.140,00
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1 adult for 6 months 4106 DKK 570,00
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1 couple for a year 4212 DKK 1.860,00
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1 couple for 6 months 4206 DKK 930,00
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First child for a year. Only with an adult/a couple. 4312 DKK 480,00
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First child for 6 months. Only with an adult/a couple 4306 DKK 240,00
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Following children, for a year. Per child 4412 DKK 228,00
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Following children. 6 months, per child. 4406 DKK 114,00
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Lægelinien ApS - Telephone: +45 32 22 22 32
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